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EPS Grants



Europhysics Conferences Grant

The EPS makes grants available to organisers of Europhysics conferences to allow for the participation of young scientists who otherwise would not be able to attend. Only EPS Europhysics Conferences are eligible. The maximum grant per conference is Euro 1,000.

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EPS Poster Prize

The EPS encourages recognition of the scientific merit of early career researchers. Grants are available to EPS Europhysics and EPS Recognised Conferences for poster prize for researchers in the PhD phase of his/her career in recognition of an excellent poster at the conference. The amount of each prize grant is Euro 200.

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Individual Member Travel Grant

The EPS makes a limited number of travel grants available to EPS Individual Members to attend Europhysics and Recognised Conferences.

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Invited Speaker Grant

The EPS makes grants available to organisers of Europhysics Conferences to contribute towards costs of invited speakers. Only EPS Europhysics Conferences are eligible. The maximum amount of the grant is Euro 500.

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EPS Award for Pre-university International Physics Competitions

The EPS Award for Pre-university physics competitions is open to the organisers of international physics competitions (Olympiads, tournaments and another international contests or other international events) promoting physics based on work of school students. The grants are intended as sponsorship of an award to a student/team and/or to a teacher/supervisor.

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EPS Grant for Regional Physical Society Meetings

In order to promote regional cooperation in physics, the EPS is willing to consider financing activities that fall outside the existing grant schemes. These grants should not normally be used to finance events that have been (or would be) disqualified from other granting schemes.

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WE Heraeus Communication Programme for EPS conferences (for DPG members only)

The Wilhelm und Else Heraeus Foundation together with the Deutsche Physik Gesellschaft [DPG] established a program that gives young physicists in an early period of their scientific career the opportunity to present their own scientific results to a censorious audience. Within this programme, the active participation of young scientists whose centre of living or work is located in Germany may be financially supported for conferences organised by the EPS.

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