Authors: EPS HEPP Division
The High Energy and Particle Physics Division of the EPS is happy to announce the 2021 EPS HEPP prizes.
The 2021 EPS High Energy and Particle Physics prize is awarded to Torbjörn Sjöstrand and Bryan Webber for
the conception, development and realisation of parton shower Monte
Carlo simulations, yielding an accurate description of particle
collisions in terms of quantum chromodynamics and electroweak
interactions, and thereby enabling the experimental validation of the
Standard Model, particle discoveries and searches for new physics.
The 2021 Giuseppe and Vanna Cocconi Prize is awarded to the Borexino Collaboration
for their ground-breaking observation of solar neutrinos from the pp
chain and CNO cycle that provided unique and comprehensive tests of the
Sun as a nuclear fusion engine.
The 2021 Gribov Medal is awarded to Bernhard Mistlberger
for his groundbreaking contributions to multi-loop computations in QCD
and to high-precision predictions of Higgs and vector boson production
at hadron colliders.
The 2021 Young Experimental Physicist Prize of the High Energy and Particle Physics Division of the EPS is awarded to Nathan Jurik
for his outstanding contributions to the LHCb experiment, including the
discovery of pentaquarks, and the measurements of CP violation and
mixing in the B and D meson systems; and to Ben Nachman
for exceptional contributions to the study of QCD jets as a probe of
QCD dynamics and as a tool for new physics searches, his innovative
application of machine learning for characterising jets, and the
development of novel strategies on jet reconstruction and calibration at
the ATLAS experiment.
The 2021 Outreach Prize of the High Energy and Particle Physics Division of the EPS is awarded to Uta Bilow and Kenneth Cecire
for the long-term coordination and major expansion of the International
Particle Physics Master Classes to include a range of modern methods
and exercises, and connecting scientists from all the major LHC and
Fermilab experiments to school pupils across the world; and to Sascha Mehlhase
for the design and creation of the ATLAS detector and other
interlocking-brick models, creating an international outreach program
that reaches to an unusually young audience.
All prizes will be awarded in a ceremony on July 26, 2021 during the virtual EPS-HEP 2021 conference:
Complete info about the prizes can be found on the website of the EPS HEPP Division: